Supernatural Book of Monsters, Demons, Spirits and Ghouls - Alex Irvine

Supernatural Book of Monsters, Demons, Spirits and Ghouls

By: Alex Irvine

Paperback | 28 November 2008

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Twenty-three years ago, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a demonic supernatural force. Following the tragedy, their father set out to teach the boys everything about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners of America...and how to kill it. This unique illustrated compilation of all of Sam and Dean's demon-busting knowledge contains detailed descriptions of more than two-dozen otherworldly enemies, from vampires, to ghosts, revenants, reapers, and even bloody clowns. Interwoven with sections of John Winchester's invaluable journal, this is the perfect companion to every thrilling episode - and an essential weapon in the secret war against the hidden creatures of darkness!
Industry Reviews
"Not since 'The X-Files' has a show reveled so successfully in giving us goosebumps." - Entertainment Weekly "Stylish look, cool music, spooky storylines. It's a thriller done right." - Daily Variety"

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