Stink : The Fabulously Freaky Collection - Megan McDonald


The Fabulously Freaky Collection

By: Megan McDonald, Peter H Reynolds (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 December 2016

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A WAY far-out new collection of Stink adventures. No kidding!

Mega-awesome: a biologically bizarre new collection of Stink stories! Get triple the Stink in one hilarious boxed set. With brain-munching zombies, mutant amphibians, and vampire squids, Stink is up to his eyeballs in some of his creepiest, freakiest adventures yet.
Includes books 7 through 9 in paperback:
Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk
Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout
Stink and the Shark Sleepover

About the Author

Megan McDonald is the creator of the popular award-winning Judy Moody and Stink series. She is also the author of three Sisters Club stories, two stories about Ant and Honey Bee, and many other books for children. She lives in Sebastopol, California.

About the Illustrator

Peter H. Reynolds is the illustrator of the Stink and Judy Moody books and the author-illustrator of many picture books, including The Dot, Ish, So Few of Me, and Sky Color. Born in Canada, he now lives in Dedham, Massachusetts.

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