Sticker Dolly Dressing Fancy Dress : Sticker Dolly Dressing - Emily Bone

Sticker Dolly Dressing Fancy Dress

By: Emily Bone

Paperback | 1 August 2017

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Girls of all ages will love dressing the dolls in the fancy dress outfits in this exciting new title in the incredibly popular Sticker Dolly Dressing series.

About the Author

Emily Bone grew up in the south of England with a parrot, rabbits and lots of dogs. She spent long summers watching bugs and birds in her garden and making up stories about them. After studying English at Cambridge, she found her dream job at Usborne. Emily’s written many books on wildlife, science and history. She now lives in Crystal Palace along with two spoilt budgies and enjoys running in the park and tending her vegetable garden.