Songs from the Stars - Norman Spinrad

Songs from the Stars

By: Norman Spinrad

Paperback | 27 May 2010

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Centuries after the big smash, the successor civilization of Aquaria more or less flourishes on the west coast of what was once the United States, a society built on White Science, following the "law of muscle, sun, wind and water." Only the sorcerers of Space Systems, Inc., dare traffic in the "Black Sciences" of atomic, petroleum and physics which destroyed the old golden age of space, for they alone know of the higher destiny that awaits man in the abandoned Big Ear space station. For centuries, they have secretly infiltrated Aquarius through the gray town of La Mirage while crafting a spaceship capable of reaching the Big Ear and turning man's ears once more to the mysterious Songs from the Stars. Now, through the Aquarians Clear Blue Lou, perfect master of the Clear Blue Way, and Sunshine Sue, queen of the Word of Mouth communication network, they scheme to bring their ultimate scenario to fruition. Sex, love, emotion, karma, destiny, perhaps even The Way itself, all become elements in the scenario of Arnold Harker, Black Scientist, sorcerer, project manager of Operation Enterprise. But when Clear Blue Lou, Sunshine Sue and Arnold Harker finally confront the interstellar brotherhood of sentient beings, they find, each in his way, that The Galactic Way utterly transcends their hopes, wildest dreams and darkest fears. In this novel of science, mysticism and their ultimate synergistic fusion, Norman Spinrad once again demonstrates his power to create a vivid future that encompasses our dreams of space. "Songs from the Stars" is good old-fashioned science fiction set free from its old-fashioned puritan taboos... "Clear Blue Lou is a judge of the tribes in post-atomic Aquaria, an isolated national fragment in a broken world. Apparently there is no authority in Aquaria, not even a father figure, except for the circuit-riding judiciary which hears cases and speaks justice by inspiration.... We find ourselves following Lou on a traditional Quest for the secret of the Dark Power, led of course by his soul-guide anima.... Clear Blue Lou and Sunshine Sue are destined for each other...bound together by the dark power, as a god hero and his consort would be...." Walter M. Miller, Jr., author of A Canticle for Leibowitz "The blue of Clear Blue Lou and the yellow of Sunshine Sue mix to make the greening of Earth and the rest of the cosmos.... Remarkable...beautiful.... This is one of the uplifting works I've read...not a false word uttered." Philip Jose Farmer, author of the Riverworld series "Norman Spinrad is in top form for this one. A fine book, brilliantly written. I enjoyed every page of it." Roger Zelazny, author of the Amber series "Dense and meaty, if Norman considers it a sin, as I do, to bore the reader or waste his time.... Spinrad leads the reader gently toward wider and more awesome vistas, expanding his mind as he goes." Larry Niven, co-author of The Mote in God's Eye and Lucifer's Hammer "This is perhaps Spinrad's finest novel-deft, powerful, with ideas that ricochet through the story. A fascinating vision of a very different future, with hope and ambition of its own, unhobbled by the past." Gregory Benford, author of In the Ocean of Night "Spinrad's excitingly unique imagination is at its best. He thinks with great daring and there is an unusual quality of poetry in his visions." Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek

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