This is a step-by-step guide to the key skills and techniques of the psychodynamic approach used at each stage of the therapeutic process. Updated in a second edition, the book includes a new chapter on neuropsychology and its implications for theory and practice, new content on working in the NHS and other settings, additional case material and updates to all chapters reflecting recent literature, research and understanding.
Industry Reviews
Well written and thoughtfully structured, this highly accessible, lively text offers the reader a contemporary and comprehensive introduction to psychodynamic practice. Howard provides lucid explanations of core psychodynamic ideas and skills rooted in engaging clinical illustrations. It will be an invaluable companion both during and beyond training. -- Prof Alessandra Lemma 'Small but perfectly formed.' Susan Howard... has struck an easy balance here between theory and practice. She neatly illustrates key concepts such as transference, counter transference, making interpretations and so on, with succinct case examples. [The] 'mysteries' of psychodynamic counselling are unpacked with a clarity that has been lacking from many texts in this field. All [topics] are covered without jargon or oversimplification. Indeed, this is probably one of the clearest and therefore most informative texts I have read on the subject' - The Psychologist Size-wise, these books span an open palm and have a very handy flap on the back and front as an integral feature of the cover which can be used as a bookmark. They are concise, yet thorough, providing introductions to the key elements of the theory and practice underpinning major therapeutic approaches... [An] ideal 'intro'... I would recommend these books because, 'in a nutshell', they work - Therapy Today -- Praise for the book The 2nd edition of Skills in Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy is an exquisitely written, engaging little gem of a text, providing an essential, contemporary and empirically informed overview of the skills and qualities requisite for effective psychodynamic therapy. Key concepts and skills are grounded in real and poignant case examples from clinical practice with signposts to further reading and resources. This book from this highly esteemed series should be required reading for anyone engaging in psychotherapy training and practice regardless of career developmental stage. -- Barbara Hannigan The journey of becoming a therapist starts here. From the counselling room, to the first meeting, the therapeutic alignment...Susan Howards leads us through the process of becoming counsellor with active listening skills. This book is helpful for students while training to become counsellors and to well-experienced counsellors. -- Dr Netalie Shloim