She Means Business : Turn Your Ideas into Reality and Become a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur - Carrie Green

She Means Business

Turn Your Ideas into Reality and Become a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur

By: Carrie Green

Paperback | 21 February 2017

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Product Description
An honest and practical guide to building a business for today’s talented generation of female entrepreneurs.

More and more women are starting to feel like there are so many opportunities out there to turn their ideas into a reality, build a successful business, and do what they love. The problem is that they don’t really know how to go about it, and so they set off on their entrepreneurial journey and quickly feel out of their depth, overwhelmed, confused, and like they’re crazy for even thinking that they could do it. The purpose of this book is to inspire and empower these women to take back control of their mind, their ideas, and businesses, and to provide strategies for them to make it happen.

Female entrepreneur Carrie Green will teach you how to:
Learn powerful, but achievable techniques to help you move out of your own way and turn your ideas into a successful business.
Feel inspired, empowered, and fired up, ready to take action on making it happen.
Work on your business and implement important strategies to help you make it a success.

This book is full of personal stories, tips, and exercises to inspire you and get you in to action. Honest, realistic and practical, She Means Business speaks to today’s creative, ambitious and talented generation of female entrepreneurs, as well as those that wish to join their ranks by following their dreams.

About the Author

Carrie Green is a female entrepreneur who started her first online business at the age of 20, and within a few years grew her business to global level. In 2011, after feeling isolated running her business, Carrie started the Female Entrepreneur Association – an online platform now counting 270,000 members, which inspires and empowers women from around the world to build successful businesses through videos, classes, and an online community. Carrie has been recognized as an entrepreneurial “rising star” under the age of 30, and was awarded Entrepreneurs’ Champion of the Year in 2014 at the Great British Entrepreneur Awards.

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