"Countless times throughout our lives, we’re presented with a choice to help another soul. Rescuing Ladybugs highlights the true stories of remarkable people who didn’t look away from seemingly impossible-to-change situations and instead worked to save animals. Prepare to be transported to Borneo to release orangutans, Brazil to protect jaguars, Africa to connect with chimpanzees and elephants, the Maldives to free mantas, and Indonesia, the only place where dragons still exist in the wild."
Rescuing Ladybugs won the 2018 GOLD NAUTILUS award in the category of Animals and Nature, it won 1st place in the 2018 Feathered Quill Book Awards in the Adult - Animals category, and also 1st place in the 2018 Feathered Quill Book Awards in the category of We Love Animals. The book is currently a Finalist in the category of Ecology & Environment for the Foreward Indie Book Awards.
Industry Reviews
"This time of year, I get flooded with books about animals and spirituality. While it is often challenging to pick the best one to share with readers, I had no problem this year. Rescuing Ladybugs by Jennifer Skiff far outshines the competition."
-- Best Friends magazine
"Rescuing Ladybugs is heartwarming, life-affirming, and highly recommended!"
-- Midwest Book Review
"Rescuing Ladybugs opens a portal into the amazing lives of the protectors of animals in our world. It's an inspiring, enlightening, and conscience-raising book."
-- Gene Baur, president and cofounder of Farm Sanctuary and bestselling author of Farm Sanctuary and Living the Farm Sanctuary Life
"The rising public anguish over the state of the natural world, the suffering of humankind and of our fellow creatures, is informed and affirmed by the many voices in Jennifer Skiff's book. Rescuing Ladybugs is an exceptional book -- a clarion call to awaken our empathy, ignite compassionate action, and help recover our humanity in these dystopian times. It should be required reading for all high school students and will inspire all who care in their communion with other sentient beings."
-- Dr. Michael W. Fox, author of The Boundless Circle: Caring for Creatures and Creation
"Reading Rescuing Ladybugs, I am struck by the warmth and skill of Jennifer Skiff's writing and the profundity of her message. I am reading it slowly because every single chapter makes me want to get out of my chair and go do more for animals. Thank you for the inspiration!"
-- Karen Dawn, DawnWatch
"Everyone will love Rescuing Ladybugs. With a perfect balance of memoir, stories, and testimonials, this remarkable book and the heroes in it will make you laugh, will make you cry -- and, more than anything else, will invite you to become a member of the kindest, most joyous, and most rewarding movement on the planet: the compassion movement."
-- Natasha Milne, coeditor of One Hundred & One Reasons to Get Out of Bed and host of My Home Planet podcast
"My heart responds to Jennifer Skiff's book because animals and humans are connected -- we help, teach, heal, and rescue one another. Please read Rescuing Ladybugs, learn, and follow your heart to connect with and help our family of animals. Everyone will benefit."
-- Dr. Bernie S. Siegel, author of Love, Animals & Miracles
"Everyone needs inspiring role models. This book is all about how people have found their life's work in protecting animals around the world. It's eye-opening, mind-expanding, and indeed inspiring."
-- Carl Safina, author of Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel