Reflections with God While Waiting to be Healed - Linda Seger

Reflections with God While Waiting to be Healed

By: Linda Seger

Paperback | 15 November 2016

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Almost everyone faces some physical or mental or emotional challenges. Spiritual people pray about it, hope, try to stay positive, sometimes argue with God, and remind God of the many promises there are in Scripture about healing. But sometimes, healing doesn't come, or doesn't come as desired. Although many turn their back on God when God doesn't heal, others stay in the struggle with God, expand their theology, and learn more about the nature of God and the nature of suffering.

Dr. Linda Seger, one of the world authorities on screenwriting, has struggled with dystonia (a movement disorder) for some years. Then, as she was improving, she was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in fall, 2015. Both disorders have caused physical, emotional, and spiritual frustrations and the rehabilitation for each has been counter to the other, causing her to make difficult choices, and to be challenged to persevere. In this book, she reflects on the many theological issues and spiritual issues that we encounter when we're ill - and how we re-form our relationship with God when healing doesn't come as desired.

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