Poles Apart : Life at Both Ends Of The Earth : Wild Planet Series - Mark Norman

Poles Apart : Life at Both Ends Of The Earth

Wild Planet Series

By: Mark Norman

Paperback | 1 February 2010 | Edition Number 1

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Have you ever watched a movie where a penguin meets a polar bear? Dr Mark Norman destroys this myth in this fascinating visual comparison of the North Pole and the South Pole. This is non-fiction for kids, with personality plus.

About The Author

Dr Mark Norman is a marine biologist and a world expert on octopuses, squids and cuttlefishes (the 'cephalopods'). He is Senior Curator of Molluscs at Museum Victoria where he undertakes marine biology research. He is also a trained teacher, an educational display designer and an experienced underwater cinematographer.

He has published extensively and his publications include 'A guide to squid, cuttlefish and octopuses of Australasia' and 'Cephalopods: a world guide'.

His research and projects with documentary makers including BBC, National Geographic and Discovery Channel has covered giant squid, poisonous blue-ringed octopuses, huge aggregations of southern giant cuttlefish and diving surveys of remote Indo-Pacific coral reefs.
Industry Reviews
This is a worthy book, which is informative and fun to read. There is a glossary and index in the back. The many photographic illustrations are clear and appropriate. Good for any young child with a scientific bent. * The Free Library *

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