Nuclear Cardiology in Everyday Practice : DEVELOPMENTS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE - J. Candell-Riera

Nuclear Cardiology in Everyday Practice

By: J. Candell-Riera, J. Ed. Candell-Riera

Hardcover | 1 July 1994

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The most salient feature of the infor­ last four chapters of the book evaluate the mation provided by nuclear medicine is its information from an analytical and pathophysiological and functional charac­ statistical point of view. This approach is ter. For adequate experimental or clinical required for correct decision-making. interpretation, such information should This book is therefore the result of necessarily be interpreted alongside the accumulated experience in nuclear cardiology views of the clinical cardiologist, who is with the invaluable cooperation of medical able to apply it to the individual patient. statisticians. It is directed to physicians This approach, which is routine in every­ with an interest in nuclear cardiology, to day clinical practice, reaches its plenitude nuclear medicine specialists wishing to when the whole process is completed and learn the uses and limitations of these an intimate cooperation is established procedures in everyday clinical cardiology, between the nuclear medicine specialist and to cardiologists who feel the need to and the clinical cardiologist. In such understand the rationale and methodology instances, each one of these professionals of the studies which benefit their patients. understands the needs, limits and possi­ We understand that the ultimate reason bilities of the other. for any scientific book is the transmission The present book is the fruit of such of knowledge, and we are fully conscious cooperation. In our hospital, an efficient of the enthusiasm of the authors of the nuclear cardiology team has been made up present text to achieve that aim.
Industry Reviews
... about the Spanish edition ...
` I can unreservedly recommend this book to doctors, radiologists and cardiologists working in nuclear medicine and imaging with radionuclides. It is a most useful source of reference ... it will be extremely well received. '
P.J. Ell in European Jrnl of Nuclear Medicine, 19

Other Editions and Formats


Published: 30th October 2012

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