Not Just Another Vegan Cookbook - Teya Brooks Pribac

Not Just Another Vegan Cookbook

By: Teya Brooks Pribac

eBook | 1 January 2022

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A culinary gift to yourself and your loved ones: Learn to make authentic vegan cheese in five minutes, create sophisticated yet hassle-free meals inspired by world cuisines, spice up your vegetable roast for a sublime experience of cosy simplicity, or whip up the best ice-cream you'll likely ever taste, all this utilising basic ingredients, staples of gardens and pantries. All recipes are accompanied by images.

People's opinions:

'Roland brought home some of Teya's cheeses. I tried them and said Mmm, this is very good cheese. I had no idea it was vegan.' - Monique and Roland Kummer, Swiss-born restaurateurs and former cheese makers, Le Petit Chalet

'A mind-changer as we move away from extractive to creative economies and plant-based food. The imaginative recipes and wonderful images in this cookbook have the power to move us forward by showing how enjoyable and easy vegan food can be. From-scratch cooking at its best!' - Anne Elliot, Food Innovation Blue Mountains

'My new go-to cookbook for all occasions. Stunning creations from around the world, paving the way for you to receive accolades for creativity and deliciousness. From making your own Brie to mock salmon and homemade gnocchi to strawberry frappe or caramel chocolate bars! This is a wonderful book, designed to tantalise your taste buds and help save the planet.' - Lynda Stoner, Animal Liberation

'I'd never tasted baked vegetables until I cooked Teya's recipe! O.M.G. How can baked veggies taste so good!?' - Helen Bergen, researcher

'I first experienced Teya's cooking when she catered a Not the Melbourne Cup event at our shop. I expected a few chips and dips but was completely blown away by the gourmet spread she arrived with: a table full of dishes from around the world with wonderful and varied flavours that showcased her incredible creativity and talent in the kitchen.' - Jessica Bailey, Vegan Grocery Store

'Teya's vegan cheeses are far better than any of the dozens of commercial ones I've tried. These recipes will lead to a vegan world and the downfall of Capitalism.' - Jason Grossman, philosopher

'Absolutely delicious.' - Christine Townend, Animal Liberation founder

'Teya's recipes have completely changed the way we eat. Suddenly there are vegan dishes that are absolutely delicious and quick to make. The best of the growing number of plant-based books we know. Clean, hip, right on the mark.' - Jeff Masson, best-selling author, and Leila Masson, paediatrician practising lifestyle medicine with emphasis on nutrition

'I was blown away when I first tasted Teya's amazing cheeses and I'm delighted she's sharing her unique and innovative vegan recipes with the world. As the title says, this is not just another vegan cookbook. Want to wow your family and guests with your culinary creations? Teya's book shows you how.' - Katrina Fox, Vegan Business Media and VIVAS


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