Not Just a Piece of Cake Being an Author - Hazel Edwards

Not Just a Piece of Cake Being an Author

By: Hazel Edwards

Paperback | 25 November 2015

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A memoir is only a slice of a life. This 'questory' (quest + history) covers more than the beloved cake-eating hippo. 'Not Just a Piece of Cake' is a candid memoir of the realistic process of the process of creativity, via anecdotes. 'Anecdultery' is a Hazel original term for story. Hazel Edwards takes the reader behind the books. She shares the humour of a diverse work style and family life behind the beloved characters like the cake-eating hippo. Hippocampus is where memories are kept. Collaborating with illustrators, performers, co-authors and even family, Hazel sharesthe process of the process of writing and why storytelling matters culturally, and personally. Of interest to: * Nostalgic fans across three generations * Aspiring writers and creators * Those interested in the process of creativity * Family/worklife time -energy balance 'Not Just a Piece of Cake' takes the reader behind the books. Collaborating with illustrators, performers, co-authors and even family. Heart tugging fan mail. Literary speed dating with characters. Dealing with the Plateau of Boredom and the Map of Serendipity. But also sharing 'the process of the process of writing' and why storytelling matters culturally, and personally. And why a 6 year old knew she wanted to be an author. A memoir is only a slice of a life. This QUESTORY ( Quest + History) which others call a memoir, covers more than the beloved cake-eating hippo.

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