No Electricity, No Life : Electrical Forces Govern Great Swathes of Biology - Colin D. McCaig

No Electricity, No Life

Electrical Forces Govern Great Swathes of Biology

By: Colin D. McCaig

Hardcover | 28 March 2025

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This book presents the essential electrical events that shaped the creation of a planet that can support life, shaped membrane formation, single cell formation, single cell wound healing, multicellularity, epithelial tissues, basement membranes and many other biological events. This book aims to do three things: 1) enhance awareness of the lesser known contributions of electrical forces in life, 2) develop a picture of the all-embracing impact of electricity throughout biology and 3) as a consequence pave the way for new technologies that target these less well known electrical events.

This book introduces a balanced and scientific thesis, that electrical forces are used ubiquitously throughout biology. It serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the role of electricity in shaping life. The reader may also find how SARS-CoV-2 used electricity to infect humans and how we might tackle dementia.

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