New Perspectives on Wellness - Sylvia Barrett

New Perspectives on Wellness

By: Sylvia Barrett

Paperback | 1 October 2015

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Even though Australia is technically and scientifically one of the most advanced countries in the world, we are falling sick at alarming and increasing rates, particularly our children. The usual reason given by the doctor is: "you must have inherited it" or "it might be a virus".

New Perspectives on Wellness demonstrates how an illness actually begins in the mind, and only later manifests as physical symptoms in the body. Even though orthodox medicine can trace these pathways from the mind into the body, it cannot elicit their content. That varies with each one of us, depending on the way we live our lives. It is this personal reflection of an individual's characteristics that can lead to the different complaints we experience.

Awareness of these pathways and how they work can light the way to improved health.

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