Neonicotinoids in the Environment : Emerging Concerns to the Human Health and Biodiversity - Rishikesh Singh

Neonicotinoids in the Environment

Emerging Concerns to the Human Health and Biodiversity

By: Rishikesh Singh (Editor), Vipin Kumar Singh (Editor), Arun Kumar (Editor)

Hardcover | 19 January 2025

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The proposed book presents the current state of knowledge about the processes, parameters, and phenomena that influence the fate of neonicotinoids in soil-water systems (i.e., soil and groundwater), as well as their effects and mitigation measures, and identifies existing knowledge gaps. Furthermore, groundwater/surface water interactions, as well as sorption, biodegradation, and chemical transformations of neonicotinoids in the soil and leaching to the groundwater, are highlighted, as they determine their further migration from sources, through soils to groundwater systems, and then to other environmental compartments, posing ecological and human risks. The ecological risks of neonicotinoids are highlighted in a separate section with special emphasis on the impacts on biological diversity.

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