Part 1 Analysis of n-oxidized products: formation of aromatic amine-free radicals by prostaglandin hydroperoxidase and peroxyl radicals - analysis by ESR and stable end products, T.E.Eling et al; the application of N-NMR in the analysis of n-oxygenated amidines and guanidines, B.Clement and Th.Kaempchen; radio-immunoassay and other methods for trace analysis of N-oxide compounds, K.K.Midha et al. Part 2 Enzymology of N-oxidation: mechanism, multiple forms and substrate specificities of flavin-containing mono-oxygenases, D.M.Ziegler; on the genetic polymorphism of the flavin-containing mono-oxygenases, P.Hlavica and I.Golly; factors regulating the activity of the rabbit lung flavin-containing mono-oxygenases, D.E.Williams; human pharmacogenetics of nitrogen oxidations, S.Cholerton and R.L.Smith; microbial N-hydroxylases, H.Diekmann and H.J.Plattner; roles of aminium radical intermediates in the biotransformation of dihydropyridines, cycloalkylamines and N,N-dimethyl anilines by cytochrome P-450 enzymes, F.P.Guengerich et al; the role of cytochrome P-450 in the biological nuclear N-oxidation of aminoazaheterocyclic drugs and related compounds, J.W.Gorrod and S.P.Lam; new aspects of the microsomal N-hydroxylation of benzamidines, B.Clement et al; studies on the N-oxidation of phentermine - evidence for an indirect pathway of N-oxidation mediated by cytochrome P-450, A.K.Cho et al; molecular activation mechanisms involved in arylamine cytotoxicity - peroxidase products, P.J.O'Brien et al. Part 3 Reductions and conjugations of N-oxygenated compounds: reduction and conjugation reactions of N-oxides, L.A.Damani; in vivo metabolism of N-oxides, E.M.Hawes et al; purification and characterization of rat hepatic acetyltransferase, C.M.King and S.J.Land. Part 4 Bioactivation of nitrogenous compounds and cell toxicity: metabolism and activation of nitrosamines catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes, C.S.Yang et al; cytochrome P-450-catalyzed activation of carcinogenic aromatic amines and amides, P.D.Lotlikar; comparative biochemistry of cytochrome P-450 species responsible for the activation of mutagenic food-derived heterocyclic amines, T.Kamataki et al; specificity and inducibility of cytochrome P-450 catalyzing the activation of food-derived mutagenic heterocyclic amines, A.R.Boobis et al; monoamine oxidase-mediated activation of MPTP and related compounds, V.Glover and M.Sandler; activation of aromatic amines by oxyhaemoglobin, P.Eyer; relevance of primary and secondary nitroxide radicals in biological oxidations, W.Lenk et al; molecular approaches to evaluation of the risk of aromatic amine-induced bladder cancer - smoking-related carcinogen-DNA adducts in biopsied samples of human urinary bladder, G.Talaska and F.F.Kadlubar; the role of N-oxidation by leukocytes in drug-induced agranulocytosis and other drug hypersensitivity reactions, J.Uetrecht; phototoxic effects of N-oxidized drugs and related compounds, G.M.J.Beijersbergen van Henegouwen.