Masters of Science Fiction, Vol. One : Bryce Walton - Bryce Walton

Masters of Science Fiction, Vol. One

Bryce Walton

By: Bryce Walton

Paperback | 3 January 2011

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Armchair Fiction features the best in classic science fiction short story collections, complete with original illustrations. "Masters of Science Fiction, Vol. One" features the works of Bryce Walton, who was one of the most prolific sci-fi authors of the 1950s. He is probably best remembered for his 1952 novel, "Sons of the Ocean Deep," which was part of the heralded John C. Winston sci-fi hardback series of the 1950s and 1960s. His work appeared in all the top science fiction magazines of the day, including "Galaxy," "Fantastic Universe," "If," "Planet Stories," and many others. Walton was born in Blythedale, Missouri in 1918. He passed away in 1988. Here is a fine collection of sixteen of his most memorable stories.

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