Marvel's Secret Invasion Prose Novel - Paul Cornell

Marvel's Secret Invasion Prose Novel

By: Paul Cornell

Paperback | 3 November 2026

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A shapeshifting alien race invades the Marvel Universe in this exciting re-imagining of the bestselling comic book event from the author of one of its original tie-ins.

WHO DO YOU TRUST? The shapeshifting alien race known as the Skrulls have infiltrated every branch of the Marvel Universe, from S.H.I.E.L.D., to the Avengers, and even interplanetary defence force S.W.O.R.D.

As the New Avengers watch leader of the Hand, Elektra, transform into a Skrull after her death, they come to realise that an attack is coming, one that has been planned for many years. From heroes to villains, anyone could be a Skrull in disguise. Uncertain of who to trust, the team tries desperately to unite against an unseen foe. But it is too late.

The invasion has begun.

A crashed ship in the Savage Land. A prison break at the Raft. Thunderbolts Mountain under attack.

And an armada of Skrull ships approaching Earth.

Scattered and hopeless, heroes and villains alike must team up to fight a war they never saw coming, the fallout of which will change the face of the Marvel Universe as we know it.


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