Making Dogs Happy - Melissa Starling

Making Dogs Happy

By: Melissa Starling, Paul McGreevy

Paperback | 12 January 2018

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Is your dog happy? How do you know? What motivates your dog and how can you make sure you're being a good human to your furry companion? Any dog owner likes to think their dog is happy but a recent study about dogs being hugged shows that many people interpret the signs incorrectly and don't know how to recognise anxiety in their animal. Making Dogs Happy is an illustrated handbook to getting to know your dog better for a happy and fulfilled household. Learn how to tell what motivates your individual dog and you can train your dog accordingly. Written by a veterinarian and a leading dog trainer, it introduces the idea of dogmanship - the ability to interact with and train dogs. Fully photographed, demonstrating key behaviours of dozens of furry charmers, it's the one handbook no dog lover can go past

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