Maisy's House and Garden : With Movable Maisy Doll and Press-Out Toys! - Lucy Cousins

Maisy's House and Garden

With Movable Maisy Doll and Press-Out Toys!

By: Lucy Cousins

Hardcover | 1 September 2008

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Exciting, impressive; the perfect gift! This stand-up, fold-out, carousel now has a second floor, more toys, a bath, Maisy's friends, plus a colourful garden.

There's so much for Maisy and her friends to do - dressing, dancing, cooking, having a picnic, riding a trike, gardening, watering, playing hide and seek, tidying up, having a bath ... and finally going to bed, with Panda. This book offers endless scope for imaginative play with press-out figures of Maisy, Tallulah, Cyril and Charlie and over 40 press-out toys, plus more than fifteen flaps for little hands to explore ... perfect for curious toddlers.
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RRP $8.99


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