Magmatism and Crustal Evolution of the Tibetan Plateau : Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences - Xuanxue Mo

Magmatism and Crustal Evolution of the Tibetan Plateau

By: Xuanxue Mo, Jinfu Deng, Zengqian Hou

Hardcover | 5 March 2025

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This book presents a comprehensive coverage of the magmatic and crustal evolution of the Tibetan Plateau through time, based mainly on the recent data and observations of the authors. It provides extensive geochemical, isotopic and geochronological datasets to better constrain the geodynamic evolution of the highest and thickest orogenic plateau in the world. It is a unique and original contribution to our understanding of the geology and landscape of the "roof of the world" in an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach.
All chapters in the book are process-oriented and data-rich, and reflect the most recent knowledge and information on the Tibetan Plateau. All five authors of the book have worked
extensively in Tibet and in the adjacent areas over the years. Their familiarity with both the geology of Tibet and all the research done there by different scientific teams during the last 30 years are a major driving force behind this book.

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