Three burning questions need to be answered before one can become a highly effective leader. First, what exactly is a leader? Second, why would anyone follow that leader? Third, how will that leader influence positive and responsible growth in her/his organisation in a world of lightning speed change? Dr Jan Lourens unties the Gordian Knot formed by those three questions. He gives practical advice that will help you navigate disruptive changes, markedly improve the level of engagement of all in your organisation, and dramatically improve your business results. This book is an important resource for leaders at all levels in the field of leadership and change.
Cedric B. Johnson, PhD, Senior Executive Consultant, AON Hewitt
'Leadership for the Age of Change' is an important read for leaders of all ages and experience whether you are the leader of a country, a multi-national organisation, an entrepreneurial enterprise or a small team. This book is easy to read and applying its common-sense approaches will help you to lead successfully in the face of hyper-change, accelerating global trends and disruptive challenges.
Dr John Howard, FAICD, International Water Executive Advisor, International Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Management
If you wish to be challenged as a leader in your thinking regarding 21st century leadership, this book can assist greatly in enhancing your insight and capacity in becoming more future-fit. Dr Jan Lourens's bold intention with his book is to empower leadership to be architects of the futures they desire as the 21st century rushes relentlessly upon them.
Prof. Theo H. Veldsman, Visiting professor and previous HOD, Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management, Faculty of Management, University of Johannesburg.
This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to be 'change-fit' to lead in a time of accelerating transformation of our world and the nature of work. It is a beacon of hope in a world increasingly characterised by a lack of trust in leaders--in business and government. It dispels many of the myths of leadership and provides clear pathways for personal and organisational success.
Tobias Hills, MPhil (Environmental Management), Principal Project Manager, Environment Protection Authority
This book is a must read for leaders who are interested in applying fundamental concepts of leadership in an ever-changing environment. Dr Jan Lourens provides easy-to-read, though thorough practical guidelines for proactive and effective leadership in the age of change, based on firm theoretical evidence.
Prof. Rene van Wyk, Dept. Industrial Psychology & People Management, College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg
Dr Jan Lourens' perspective on leading in a changing world aligns perfectly with the Code of Ethics principles. It inspired me to elevate my thinking to new heights while taking our team on this exciting journey of discovery.
Rina Visser, B Prim Ed, B Ed, M Ed Special Education, Bachelor of In-service Early Childhood, Head of Early Learning Centre, Portside Christian College
'Leadership for the Age of Change' is thorough and insightful and allows leaders to understand and implement the principles included. Lessons that are not just for today's business leaders but are applicable to sport and all areas of leadership endeavour.
John L. Munro, Founder and Director, The ThoughtConnect Group. Former State and Regional Manager in the finance and banking industries.