Journeys to the Twilight Zone : Daw science fiction - Carol Serling

Journeys to the Twilight Zone

By: Carol Serling

Paperback | 19 November 2001

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Climb on board for a journey to The Twilight Zone, a journey with sixteen stops--some eerie, some terrifying, some even slightly humorous, but all just the kind Rod Serling would have loved! Edited by his wife Carol, "Journeys to The Twilight Zone" is an original anthology his fans everywhere will love as well. These new ventures into the unexplained territory of the imagination by such talents as Alan Dean Foster, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, William F. Nolan, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Pamela Sargent, Henry Slesar, and Charles de Lint go as far as the historic TV series that went farther than any show before it.

Stop off where a dog has been given a transfusion of werewolf blood

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