International Political Economy of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment - Qiuyu Gaoyan

International Political Economy of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment

By: Qiuyu Gaoyan

Hardcover | 20 January 2025

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This book explores the political considerations of Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs) when investing abroad and investigates the role of state policies in the decision-making and investment strategies of Chinese MNEs during the stable period (2006 to 2017) when Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment (OFDI) witnessed substantial growth, even as the entire world was relatively friendly towards Chinese MNEs. The author develops a unique composite index that measures the authentic views of Chinese MNEs on host country political risk-the most destructive and unpredictable factor which prevents MNEs from successfully pursuing their overseas investment interests, applies it to a CGIT dataset and interprets the reasons behind the political risk distribution of Chinese OFDI from the perspective of China's comprehensive national security system. Offering a glimpse of "how China achieves the objectives of its foreign policy and other national strategies via the means of OFDI" by a scholar with practical experience in business consultancy and M&A projects, this book can help researchers, diplomats and businesspeople better understand how China's FDI-related policies empowered Chinese MNEs to venture overseas and emboldened them in the face of unstable investment environments.

Qiuyu GAOYAN, PhD in Political Science, is associate researcher at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow). Dr GaoYan studied Russian at Wuhan University and obtained his joint master's degree from University of St.Andrews and MGIMO University. As a young expert in the internationalization of Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs) and Political Development in China, he has contributed policy reports for Chinese government, initiated several Chinese M&A projects abroad and consulted for Chinese and foreign MNEs.

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