If You're So Smart : The Narrative of Economic Expertise - Deirdre N. McCloskey

If You're So Smart

The Narrative of Economic Expertise

By: Deirdre N. McCloskey

Hardcover | 1 September 1990 | Edition Number 1

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In this witty, accessible, and revealing book, McCloskey demystifies economic theory and practice to show that behind the economists claim to certainty is the ancient art of storytelling. If You're So Smart will engage, enlighten, and empower anyone trying to evaluate the experts who stand ready to engineer our lives. "Writing with delicious wit and great seriousness."--Publishers Weekly. "Mr. McCloskey is more interesting on an uninspired day than most of his peers can manage at their very best."--Peter Passell, New York Times Donald N. McCloskey is John F. Murray Professor of Economics and professor of history at the University of Iowa.

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