I'm Afraid Your Teddy Is in Trouble Today - Jancee Dunn

I'm Afraid Your Teddy Is in Trouble Today

By: Jancee Dunn, Scott Nash (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 October 2017

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What do your toys do when your back is turned? Mischief might ensue when a ringleader teddy bear throws a very memorable party.

Have you ever wondered what teddies do while their humans are at school? What if a teddy bear invited all his stuffed animal friends over? Imagine the wild party that might ensue, complete with jumping on the bed, colouring on the walls, dressing up in Mum’s clothes, having a bubble-bath sliding contest in the hall, and sledging down a cushion mountain…

As adorable as it is raucous, Jancee Dunn’s hilarious tale of freedom and fun comes to vibrant life in Scott Nash’s colourful illustrations.
  • A hilarious look at what kind of trouble a rowdy group of stuffed animals can cause while children are at school
  • Scott Nash's vibrant illustrations bring these adorable troublemakers to life
  • A newcomer to our list, Jancee Dunn guides us expertly through a wild party, complete with chocolate-chip pancakes, to an equally sweet ending
About the Author

Jancee Dunn has written for Rolling Stone, the New York Times, Vogue, GQ, and O: The Oprah Magazine, as well as many books for adults. I’m Afraid Your Teddy Is In Trouble Today is her first book for children. She lives with her husband and daughter in New York, USA. Scott Nash is the creator of the middle-grade novel The High-Skies Adventures of Blue Jay the Pirate, the early reader Tuff Fluff: The Case of Duckie’s Missing Brain, and Shrunken Treasures, a collection of seriously abridged classics. He is also the illustrator of Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp by Carol Diggory Shields and many other children’s books. He lives in Maine, USA.

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