I Am My Brand : How to Build Your Brand Without Apology - Kubi Springer

I Am My Brand

How to Build Your Brand Without Apology

By: Kubi Springer

Hardcover | 3 October 2019

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I Am My Brand is a toolkit for personal brand success. Featuring dynamic female brand builders from around the world, the book is a woven tapestry of personal brand advice with storytelling and support that offers a practical guide for female entrepreneurs, freelancers and executives.

I Am My Brandexplores the techniques used by different women across cultures to build their personal brand, as well as the challenges they faced and their paths to overcoming them. Focused on the skills needed to succeed, their stories – coupled with the author's expertise – will support readers on their own journey to brand success and self-empowerment in work and life.

The book is written in a down-to-earth style, with light entertainment and real-life anecdotes, providing insights into how to create, package and grow your personal brand. Written by one of the most influential female brand builders in the UK, I Am My Brand is a testament to the power of being a woman and illustrates what it takes to build a powerful female brand in today's male dominated business world.

About the Author

Kubi Springer is an award-winning specialist with twenty-two years of brand experience. She has worked global brands including Nike, L'Oreal, MTV, London Fashion Week, NY Fashion Week, P.Diddy, Rio Ferdinand, Justin Timberlake, Mariah Carey, Rolls Royce and, most recently, Aston Martin.
Industry Reviews
By sharing her own story, as well as those of other women in business, Kubi illuminates a clear and achievable path to owning your brand. -- Jaz Rabadia MBE, Senior Manager, Energy & Sustainability, Starbucks UK
Kubi cuts through the noise to give you a clear-sighted view of your brand value and then helps you to maximise its potential. She lives her brand and can help you do the same. -- Maria Purcell, Head Of Commercial Sales, Workplace by Facebook
Kubi Springer is one of the top five external influencers and brand specialists in the UK. -- Paola Lucktung, Former Global Director, Entertainment & Influencer Marketing, Adidas Group

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