How God Used R.A. Torrey : A Short Biography as Told Through His Sermons - Fred Sanders

How God Used R.A. Torrey

A Short Biography as Told Through His Sermons

By: Fred Sanders

Paperback | 1 May 2015

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Sermons to change you, a life to inspire you.Scholar, expositor, storyteller, and evangelist, R. A. Torrey was a master-of-all-trades minister. Crowds worldwide called his preaching that famous Torrey thing. And that famous Torrey thing won souls.Inside are the most famous, influential, and characteristic of his sermons. Though nearly a century old, they challenge us anew from Scripture and are greatly instructive to any who preach.Drawn from various periods of Torrey s ministry, andprefaced withbibliographic commentary, these sermons paint a portrait of a man gripped by God. But even more they grip the reader. They take us into the great halls where God s Word bellowed forth from Torrey and left his audiences hushed. It s no wonder that Torrey caught the attention of the great evangelist D. L. Moody.Be ready to be provoked. Like an archer who strikes with both accuracy and force, Torrey preached with clarity while cutting deep to the heart. Behind the bow you ll see a man fully sold on the kingdom of God, and you ll be inspired to follow suit."

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