“A tremendous book.”
Jo Phoenix, University of Reading
“This passionate and beautifully written book is balm to the soul of those of us who, like the author, have suffered the distressing experience of being hounded because we dare to speak about the impact of being of the female sex. The personal and psychological cost of being one of those disagreeable women is very high. But as Lindsay makes abundantly clear, the cost of remaining silent is higher: the destruction of women's rights and of liberal democracy itself.”
Helen Joyce, author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality
“A shocking compendium showing how women from all walks of life have been disenfranchised, ostracised, threatened, and worse for believing in the importance of biological sex, told in a compelling and compassionate way.”
Kathleen Stock, author of Material Girls: Why Reality Matters for Feminism
“An excellent and profoundly angering analysis of the way in which women who have spoken out in the ‘gender wars’ have been punished. The costs to women documented here – where the punishment is always the process – will be familiar to far too many.”
Sarah Pedersen, Robert Gordon University
“Jenny Lindsay’s Hounded: Women, Harms and the Gender Wars is a reminder of why compassion is so vital for social justice work in a liberal democracy. Lindsay lays bare the dark side of the gender identity debates, exposing the damage caused by online smear campaigns, harassment, and violence targeting gender critical feminists. While I vehemently disagree with Lindsay and other gender critical feminists on sex, gender, and trans inclusion, we do not have to be on the same side to know that terrorizing those with differing beliefs is illiberal and dehumanizing. Hounded serves as a crucial wake-up call to the silencing impulses on the left that stifle meaningful debates, and the human cost of this silencing.”
Caroline Heldman, Occidental College
“Herself a victim of hounding, Jenny Lindsay doesn't let her scars get in the way, and tells the sobering story of women who paid a disproportionate price for speaking out against gender identity ideology. Riveting and meticulously researched, Hounded is an unflinching diary of the gender wars.”
Umut Özk?r?ml?, IBEI (Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals) and Blanquerna University, author of Cancelled: The Left Way Back from Woke
“Jenny Lindsay’s careful argument about the debate over gender identity theory is a model for progressive politics—passionate but carefully argued, and unstinting in its concern for women.”
Robert Jensen, Emeritus Professor, University of Texas at Austin, author of It’s Debatable: Talking Authentically about Tricky Topics
“Lindsay has written a clear-headed but passionate tale of women’s resistance to an insidious form of bullying and social exclusion. She has provided us with the tools of resistance. Lindsay is a warrior“
Julie Bindel, feminist and writer, author of ?Feminism for Women
"Her book is a compelling and vital chronicle of how she, and far too many other women, have been victimised for daring to insist upon the truthfulness of material reality."
Alex Massie, The Sunday Times
“brilliant… a calm, meticulous, compassionate book on a deeply painful topic”
Victoria Smith, The Critic
“immensely valuable… compelling”
Robert Jessel, The Critic
"one of the most important political books ever to have been written about Scottish culture and politics”
The Herald
"Lindsay’s excellent, energetic book […] should be on the reading list of every MSP and MP in the country."
The Scotsman
“your book will rightly be seen as one of the definitive chronicles of these times.”
J.K. Rowling (posted on X 19/12/2024)