Dear Christians, Pastors, and Men of God:
I have a few questions for you regarding your Holy Communion:
- Whose role is it to provide the offering items?
- Does Faith include Water Baptism and Holy Communion?
- Will the eating of certain foods and drinks help anyone to go to Heaven?
- Do physical foods have spiritual powers?
- Will the eating of certain foods and drinks help you to go to Heaven?
- If Holy Communion wine was a good thing, then, why would God attach a curse to it?
- Why would Jesus Christ give you wine that has a very bad reputation to remember Him by?
- If the Kingdom of God is NOT food and drink, then, why would Jesus Christ give you wine to drink at Holy Communion?
- Can Jesus Christ give you wine to drink when wine destroys the Kingdom of God?
- If Crucifixion and Resurrection are by Faith, then why not Holy Communion?
- What is the First and original Law of Offering?
- What does the Second Law of Offering stipulate?
- Why did the LORD Jesus Christ give you two commandments at the LORD'S Last Passover Supper (Holy Communion) service: (1) the Cup and the Bread, and (2) the washing of the feet: but you decided to obey one commandment and disobey the other commandment, why?
- If we have Constitutions, Laws, and Courts, and then, when Officers of the State and Court are corrupt, ignorant, illiterate in the Law, and they practise the Law contrary to the Law, and for that reason, they are disbarred, removed, and sent to prison, then, why should the same punishment not be meted out to you the Pastor and the Bishop when you call yourself a Church Leader, and yet you operate in violation of a more superior Law Book the Holy Bible, and you are corrupt, ignorant, illiterate in the Law of God, and you practise the Law contrary to the Law, why should the same punishment not be meted out to you?
- Do disobedient Christians go to Heaven or to Hell?
The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. The LORD Jesus Christ give you understanding.
DSEF, BA, MA, B.Soc.Sc Pol Sci, IBA, PhD
A Scribe of the Law of the God of Heaven
Prophet of the Word of God