Hide and Seek - Katie May Green

Hide and Seek

By: Katie May Green

Paperback | 1 October 2020

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Right at the top of Shiverhawk Hall live children in pictures on the wall.

A midsummer moon shines on Shiverhawk Hall, where portraits of children come alive on the wall... As night falls, and the DeVillechild twins are nowhere to be seen, the other children escape their frames in search of two girls in white dresses – and, possibly, a midnight game in the garden. Out in the night air, through the maze, and into the woods they go, looking for their mysterious friends. Will they be able to find the twins before the sun rises? Charming and eerie without ever being too scary, Katie May Green’s rhyming caper is perfect for Halloween story times and bedtime read-alouds after a long day of play.

About the Author

Katie May Green is a graduate from the Cambridge School of Art MA in Children's Book Illustration, and has created artwork for UK and US publishers. She is both author and illustrator of Seen and Not Heard, her first picture book, and its sequel, Hide and Seek. Katie lives in Shropshire with her husband and son.

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