Here Comes Mother Goose - Iona Opie

Here Comes Mother Goose

By: Iona Opie, Rosemary Wells (Illustrator)

Paperback | 16 September 2015

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From the award-winning creator of My Very First Mother Goose comes an invitation to the simple joy and the sly humour that are the essence of Mother Goose.

Spread the word - here comes Mother Goose - and with her comes an entire procession of best-loved nursery rhyme characters, including 'Mary Mary Quite Contrary', 'Simple Simon', 'Old Mother Hubbard', 'Little Tommy Tucker', 'The Queen of Hearts', and many more. Joining them is an array of colorful folk you may not have met before: Mrs. Murphy, for instance, and My Aunt Jane; Freda the American Beauty, Bonny Bobby Shaftoe, and Dusty Bill from Vinegar Hill - each of them well worth getting to know, as we re sure you ll agree!

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