Global Waste Management - Brajesh  Kumar

Global Waste Management

By: Brajesh Kumar (Editor), Pradeep Kumar (Editor)

Hardcover | 9 January 2025

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Global Waste Management raises awareness among readers about industrial application-based problems by encouraging self-evaluation and verification processes related to waste creation and its minimization. While other books discuss the "Do's and Don'ts" of waste-related issues, our aim is to inspire readers to brainstorm solutions by providing appropriate data integrated with human values. This outstanding new volume highlights the relationship between human activities and their effects on ecology and the environment in the form of waste, including e-waste, industrial waste, radioactive waste (generated during medical treatment and diagnosis, the refining of radioactive materials, operations of nuclear power plants, and through weapons of mass destruction), and micro- and macro-plastic waste. Specifically targeting higher education levels—those teaching, studying, or conducting research on waste generated through various sources—this volume covers the outcomes of waste generation and its management. It draws on the experiences, practices, teachings, and leadership of academia, industry experts, process plant engineers, and researchers. This book is a collective effort to provide essential information on values and ethics, case studies, and the implementation of regulations from national and international governing bodies related to waste and the environment. It offers plausible solutions for the significant amounts of waste generated annually by the sectors mentioned.

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