Flying Stars Feng Shui for Period 9 : How to enhance prosperity, health and relationships for the next 20 years - Master Denise Liotta Dennis

Flying Stars Feng Shui for Period 9

How to enhance prosperity, health and relationships for the next 20 years

By: Master Denise Liotta Dennis

Paperback | 13 November 2019

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Period 9, the Age of Fire, will begin on Feb 4, 2024. This is a capital change for all structures worldwide. It will be a time of great intellectual leaps, accomplishments, technology, and a future filled with bright prosperity It is an 'age' for women. Flying Stars Feng Shui for Period 9 reveals all you need to know in order to prepare for this incredible and auspicious time. Flying Stars is a potent method of Feng Shui that addresses the time transformation of chi. This changing flow of energy is expressed as numbers in a Flying Star Chart. Worldwide, this capital change happens every 20 years. Therefore, slight adjustments to your home or office need to take place. This exciting, subtle, and important aspect of Feng Shui is the focus of the book. Flying Stars is the most popular Classical Feng Shui system used by practitioners today. This is because it has a potent effect on properties where it is used. Feb 4, 2024 marks the date when Period 8 ends and Period 9 begins. This book will explain the significant implications of a Period change. Everyone can benefit from the new energy being ushered in. You'll learn to extract the best energy as well as safeguard your luck for the next twenty years. While Flying Stars takes some time to master, the book has evaluated all Period 7, 8, and 9 Flying Star Charts. Simply grab your smart phone, take a compass direction and locate the unique Flying Star Chart that applies to your home. Flying Stars Feng Shui for Period 9 includes detailed information on how to fully extract the powerful energies for all Flying Star Charts. Great visuals will clearly demonstrate how the recommendations can be implemented to get the most powerful results Setting in motion the recommended changes will invite the best of everything-fabulous money-luck, great relationships and vibrant health The Classic systems and formulas of San He and San Yuan are included to give you a comprehensive experience of how it all powerfully comes together. Prepare for Period 9 today and then sit back and enjoy your happy life

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