Fetal Origin of Diseases - Hui Wang

Fetal Origin of Diseases

By: Hui Wang (Editor), Liaobin Chen (Editor), Dan Xu (Editor)

Hardcover | 14 January 2025

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This book covers two decades of the author's studies about fetal-originated diseases. It contains researches from the aspects of multiple inducing factors of fetal-originated diseases, including prenatal xenobiotic exposure, nutritional deficiency and other adverse environment during pregnancy. The authors introduce a series of animal models for studying the fetal origin of a variety of metabolic and neuropsychiatric diseases, and propose the mechanisms of developmental toxicity and susceptibility to multiple diseases, such as glucocorticoid programming. Moreover, the extended knowledge are also clearly addressed, like identification of biomarkers of developmental toxicity, and the strategies for early warning, prevention and treatment of fetal-originated diseases. Thus, the book is a systematic and complete reference for the researchers of related areas.

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