This book is a reprint of a 2005 free ebook under Creative Commons License by Seth Godin.
Seth Godin, Vice-President, Direct Marketing, Yahoo! Inc., iSeth Godin, Vice-President, Direct Marketing, Yahoo! Inc., is responsible for Yahoo!'s direct marketing, permission marks responsible for Yahoo!'s direct marketing, permission marketing and Internet promotions. Godin joined Yahoo! in 1998 feting and Internet promotions. Godin joined Yahoo! in 1998 from Yoyodyne, where he served as president and CEO. Yahoo! arom Yoyodyne, where he served as president and CEO. Yahoo! acquired Yoyodyne, a recognized leader in Internet-based intecquired Yoyodyne, a recognized leader in Internet-based interactive direct marketing, last year.
Recognized as the pioractive direct marketing, last year.
Recognized as the pioneer of Permission Marketing, Godin is a sought-after speakeneer of Permission Marketing, Godin is a sought-after speaker on the conference circuit, having presented at the Direct r on the conference circuit, having presented at the Direct Marketing Association's annual conference, Jupiter events, aMarketing Association's annual conference, Jupiter events, and ICE, as well as international marketing forums. Last yearnd ICE, as well as international marketing forums. Last year, Godin was one of the highest ranked speakers, among 403 pr, Godin was one of the highest ranked speakers, among 403 presenters at Internet World. He is a featured speaker at Fallesenters at Internet World. He is a featured speaker at Fall, Spring and Summer I-Worlds. Godin is also the recipient of, Spring and Summer I-Worlds. Godin is also the recipient of the 1998 Momentum Award, honoring outstanding Internet indu the 1998 Momentum Award, honoring outstanding Internet industry accomplishments.
Godin received an M.B.A. from Stanfostry accomplishments.
Godin received an M.B.A. from Stanford Business School in 1984. Prior to graduating from Tufts Urd Business School in 1984. Prior to graduating from Tufts University in 1982 with a degree in both Computer Science andniversity in 1982 with a degree in both Computer Science and Philosophy, Godin co-founded and ran one of the largest stu Philosophy, Godin co-founded and ran one of the largest student-run businesses in the coutnry. From 1983 to 1986 he wordent-run businesses in the coutnry. From 1983 to 1986 he worked as a brand manager at Spinnaker Software, where he led tked as a brand manager at Spinnaker Software, where he led the team that developed the first generation of multimedia prhe team that developed the first generation of multimedia products, working with such forward-thinkers as Arthur C. Claroducts, working with such forward-thinkers as Arthur C. Clarke and Michael Crichton. He managed 40 engineers and introduke and Michael Crichton. He managed 40 engineers and introduced more than 60 software and video products to the marketplced more than 60 software and video products to the marketplace.
Godin is the author and co-author of a number of top-ace.
Godin is the author and co-author of a number of top-selling business books, including "E-Marketing, " the first selling business books, including "E-Marketing, " the first book ever published on how to do business online; "The Gueribook ever published on how to do business online; "The Guerilla Marketing Handbook, " part of the best-selling "Guerillalla Marketing Handbook, " part of the best-selling "Guerilla Marketing" series; "The Information Please Business Almanac Marketing" series; "The Information Please Business Almanacm, " a ground-breaking business reference book; and "Permissm, " a ground-breaking business reference book; and "Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Freinds, and Friends iion Marketing: Turning Strangers into Freinds, and Friends into Customers."