Cultivating Chaos : Gardening with Self-Seeding Plants - Jonas Reif

Cultivating Chaos

Gardening with Self-Seeding Plants

By: Jonas Reif, Christian Kress, Jurgen Becker

Hardcover | 12 August 2015

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Cultivating Chaos reveals how gardeners can make their own natural landscape gardens using self-seeding plants. The authors showcase iconic gardens such as Great Dixter, Waltham Place and Derek Jarman's garden at Dungeness where self-seeders have been managed to create informal but disciplined garden spaces. They provide extensive information on how to improve soil to maximise germination of these naturally vigorous plants and recommend selfseeders for different sites and conditions.

About the Author

Jonas Reif is chief editor of german magazine 'Garten Praxis'. He is an experimental landscape designer and passionate gardener. Christian Kress is owner of the Sarastro perennials nursery in Innkreis, Upper Austria. Jurgen Becker, is a multi-award winning garden photographer who lives in Hilden, Germany
Industry Reviews
"An unusual, thought-provoking approach to horticulture." --Booklist

"This book is a great resource for gardeners willing to think outside the plot." --Publishers Weekly

"This thought-provoking and lavishly illustrated book shows you how you can use prolific self-seeding plants to create an attractive, naturalistic and free-flowing style of gardening." --The Daily Mail

"Finely illustrated and inspirational and encourages gardeners to embrace the anarchic ways of self-sowing plants. . . . a rousing call to arms on behalf of a naturalistic style of gardening." --Gardens Illustrated

"Informative and inspirational. . . . this book deserves a place by the bed and in the potting shed." --The English Garden

"A lively and encouraging guide to creating self-seeding landscape." --Landscape Architecture Magazine

"A great deal of practical advice for the home gardener. . . . For those who are curious about starting a self-seeding garden, Chaos offers detailed instructions about planning, implementation, and maintenance. As a bonus, if you're craving a holiday to European gardens and want to leave today, Cultivating Chaos is your ticket to beautiful plantings and inspiring plant combinations." --NYBG's Plant Talk

"A handsome and informative guide" --San Francisco Chronicle

"Through case studies of gardens across Europe and North America, Jonas Reif and Christian Kress make a compelling argument for gardens with autonomy. Their in-depth practical advice and lists of ideal plants may inspire even the most skeptical readers to include a few chaotic specimens in their planting plans." --The American Gardener

"Self-seeding plants offer quick color and a low long-term investment. . . . Authors Jonas Reif, Christian Kress, and Jurgen Becker provide readers with 200 inspirational design photos, tips to improve the soil and a guide to the best self-seeding plants, sites and conditions for maintaining this type of species-rich garden." --Garden Gate

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