Beatriz and Albert Sheldon have spent the last 20 years developing the novel therapeutic paradigm called Complex Integration of Multiple Brain Systems (CIMBS). They have pioneered new methodology for "reading" and assessing emotional states using their patients' carefully observed psychophysiological phenomena as empirical evidence. CIMBS also incorporates the latest groundbreaking research on neuroplasticity, brain development, and therapeutic change. This book details their novel neurobiological and psychotherapeutic paradigm--and reveals how therapists can use it for more successful treatment.
Clients come to therapy troubled by deeply ingrained neural circuits and emotional habits. The authors demonstrate how they use psychophysiological perspectives to recognize limitations in brain systems that are interfering with their patients' functioning. And through "physiopsychotherapy," they activate self-affirming, nonconscious emotional resources to change rigid, maladaptive neural circuits. CIMBS offers a way of "integrating" these brain system] resources to foster more complex and flexible mental functioning and to produce more successful psychotherapeutic outcomes. The therapeutic attachment relationship between therapist and patient, and "present moment" experiences within the session rather than recollections of past trauma, are key elements in this unique emotional resource-based mode of therapy.
This book is wide-ranging in documenting CIMBS' success at operationalizing neuroscience research. Translating their academic, scientific, and clinical research and successful training courses into a reference work that you can hold in your hands and savor at leisure, the Sheldons have produced an approachable, intriguing, yet comprehensive milestone in the psychotherapeutic literature.
Industry Reviews
An extraordinary, invaluable, and seminal contribution to the growing library of Cognitive Neuroscience & Neuropsychology literature.... [E]specially recommended for professional, college, and university library Clinical Psychology and Medical Clinical Psychology collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.-- "Midwest Book Review"
Beatriz and Albert Sheldon provide an innovative model in which insights from neuroscience are embodied in an effective and compassionate form of psychotherapy. At the core of their therapy is a deep respect for our need as a species to be safe and to trust. Their insightful treatment model documents that the journey to optimized mental health may efficiently be reached through a treatment model informed by an appreciation of the brain circuits that evolved to support out biological imperative to trust and to be socially connected.--Stephen W. Porges, PhD, Distinguished University Scientist, Founding Director, Traumatic Stress Research Consortium, Kinsey Institute, Indiana University Bloomington
Psychotherapeutic insights and practices are being revolutionized by neuroscience, epigenetics, and the growing recognition that we have multiple evolved processing systems, many of which are not fully conscious and can be in conflict. In this intriguing book on interacting brain systems, Beatriz and Albert Sheldon attempt to bridge recent findings from evolutionary neuroscience into therapeutic insights and practices. They indicate how therapists can help clients become familiar with old and new brain processes and help them cultivate motives and competencies that enable a better interaction and integration of mental processes. Therapists will find many new ways of thinking about psychological processes and ways of engaging with client complexity. An easy to understand, unique, and deeply informative book for all therapists.--Paul Gilbert, PhD, Professor, Centre for Compassion Research and Training, College of Health, Psychology and Social Care, University of Derby, author of Human Nature and Suffering
Wow, what a book. This extraordinary summary of clinically relevant brain science is clearly written, thoroughly practical, and infused with caring for the people we work with. It provides a necessary foundation for early career therapists while also offering many fresh insights for experienced clinicians. The overall approach is truly brilliant. Highly recommended.--Rick Hanson, PhD, author of Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom