Christian Theology and Market Economics - Ian R. Harper

Christian Theology and Market Economics

By: Ian R. Harper (Editor), Samuel Gregg (Editor)

Paperback | 30 April 2010

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There was a time when theologians and economists knew much more about each other's work than they do today. This book is dedicated to reconnecting two disciplines that study different dimensions of the human condition. The well respected contributors - economists, theologians, some both - explore the interaction of Christian theology and market economics, from the earliest times to the modern day. There is much to surprise, puzzle and edify serious students of theology and economics as well as the merely curious.

This unique work has a historical time-span reaching from Aristotle to the modern day, thus appealing to those interested in the history of ideas and economic thought as well as the links between theological and economic thought. Economists studying the intellectual roots of their discipline, as well as Christians researching the links between Christian beliefs and the worldly philosophy governing everyday commercial lives will also welcome it.

Industry Reviews
'Christian Theology and Market Economics is a welcome and important contribution to the dialogue between serious Christian thinking and market economics.' - Bishop Robert Forsyth, Policy 'Theologians and economists are both enormously influential. Unfortunately, they tend to misunderstand, ignore, talk past, and distrust one another. Harper and Gregg aim to solve this problem by demonstrating that meaningful conversation between the disciplines is both possible and rewarding.A" They are too humble. The ten essays in this collection show that this conversation is immensely rewarding... Highly recommended.' - R.M. Whaples, Choice

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