1. Introduction To Short Films: Big Tricks, Small Packages
Get your ass off the couch! Did you know small ideas turn into big ideas? Short films are
the way to get noticed!
Callout: Figuring Out Your Short Film End Goal
Callout: Short Films Made Into Indie Features
2. The Location Situation: Staying Out Of Jail
Aha! You thought it was the script that came first. Not in low budget cinema. The real
trick is how not to get arrested.
Callout: Some Of Our Favorite Location Cheats
3. Stories That Don't Suck: Help Me Think, Please
Most ideas suck. So we're starting with some basic yesses and no-nos. What is a story?
What are its parts? What is conflict?
Callout: A Brief History Of Stories
Callout: Why Horror Matters
Callout: Why Drama Matters
Callout: Why Action Matters
Callout: What Makes A Good Character
4. No Room For Shitty Scripts: Filmmaker Revision Made Simple
How do I write a script that fits my budget and doesn't sacrifice story? The secret?
Creative filmmaking early in the writing process.
Callout: Tarantino-Style Heroes Journey
Callout: Working With A Team Of Writers
5. Um . . . Money: Planning & Budget Made Easy
We will show you how to plan your shoot and raise the funds without robbing
convenience stores. Well that's kinda our plan . . .
Callout: Easy Planning Spreadsheet Set-Up
Callout: Easy Budget Spreadsheet Set-Up
6. This Movie Needs Style! Set & Costume Themes
Believe it or not your movie needs a look and feel. We're going to help you with style
Callout: Sexy Style Tips Via Color Filters
7. All Aboard! Talent And Crew On A Journey Together
This is the heart and soul of any film production. Even if your crew only consists of you
and three other people, we're going to show you how to make it happen.
Callout: How To Get Name-Brand Talent
8. Action! Shot Planning & Filming
Figure out your shots and then execute . . . Doesn't that sound easy?
Callout: Make A Shot List
9. What If My Movie Needs A Puppet Baby? Special Effects & Make-Up
At Hectic Films we do practical effects as much as possible because we appreciate the art
form and because CGI Developers ain't cheap. Ain't cheap at all . . .
Callout: How To Do Blood Hits
Callout: How To Make Guns Look Real
Callout: Bullets, Sounds, Lights & Muzzle Flashes
Callout: Punching & Kicking Made Easy
Callout: Prosthetics Are For Everything
Callout: CGI Do's And Don'ts
10. Shoot Days And Pick-Up Shots: The Mini Guide To Panic Attack Prevention
What might foul up a shoot? Oh, just about anything and everything. We'll break down
some of the biggest potential panic attacks so you can refer back here and do some
filmmaking yoga.
Callout: How To Pull Off Pick-Up Shots By Yourself
11. The Experience Of Sensory Detail: In Other Words, Light & Sound
Believe it or not you actually need to care about light and sound if you're going to have a
career as even a novice filmmaker. We'll help you figure out the basics.
Callout: Lighting Comparisons
Callout: Lighting Graph
Callout: Sound Effects Made Simple
12. Editing & Color: What If Nothing Looks Right, Ever?
Editing and color correction requires skill and patience. Don't worry, we're here to kick
you when you scream for help.
Callout: Our Top Five Edits
Callout: Our Top Five Uses of Color
13. Sound Edits, Music, and Score
These are things that you may have to trust others to do. Done incorrectly and your film
might be better off sent to the trash bin. So pay attention.
Callout: Free Music Checklist
14. Your Marketing History Matters: Kick-Ass Movie Posters & Other Artwork Tips
If you want people to watch your movie then you need a poster so eye-poppingly cool
that they have to see your film. Think about it: Would you eat a cupcake that looks like a
Callout: Comic Book Style
Callout: Hectic Films Poster Collection
15. Screenings & Promotions
When you make it this far you may feel like you're done-you're not. This is the time to
start promoting your film. You do want people to watch it, don't you?
Callout: How To Get Theaters For Cheap
16. Film Festivals
There are many film festivals out there. What should you look for? We can show you
how to avoid the circle-jerk festivals. You know, where the judges only pick their friends?
Callout: Keys To A Good Film Festival
17. And Now For The Big-Time, Baby: Getting A Feature Deal
It's time to truly get prepared. What if someone sees your short film and asks, "Do you
have a feature-length script for this?" Are you ready? Are you really ready?
Callout: Brainstorming A Longer Story
Callout: Don't Be a Douchebag. Ever