Business Finance : 12th Edition - Graham Peirson

Business Finance

12th Edition

By: Graham Peirson, Robert Brown, Steve Easton, Peter Howard, Sean Pinder

Paperback | 30 August 2014 | Edition Number 12

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This is the 12th edition of the market-leading Business Finance, a highly regarded text that has now been around for 42 years.

It takes a rigorous and authoritative coverage of major corporate finance topics, sitting at the highest level with regard to technical concepts. It is also the only wholly Australian textbook offered at this level rather than an adaptation of an international textbook.

  • A full Connect Plus package is available with this text, featuring the end-of-chapter problems PLUS new interactive questions!
  • Revision of Chapter 2 on Fisher’s Theorem, behavioural finance and increased discussion of capital budgeting.
  • Categorised end-of-chapter material into basic, intermediate and advanced levels in the form of Question, Problem, Extension Exercise, differentiates questions for students of different aptitudes.
  • End-of-chapter questions and problems are tagged for learning objectives, helping to reinforce key principles and the real-world applications of economic theory.
  • Each chapter is carefully structured around its learning objectives, with learning objectives highlighted throughout the text.
  • Finance in Action boxes with tables, figures and new data discuss recent and historical trends in economics.
  • Worked examples are integrated throughout the text, accompanied by explanations of the theories used.
  • Key terms are highlighted in the text with margin definitions where they first appear, and compiled into the glossary.
  • Self-test problems for students, with answers at the back of the book.

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