Body Image Warrior : One woman's fight for change in the modelling industry - Chelsea Bonner

Body Image Warrior

One woman's fight for change in the modelling industry

By: Chelsea Bonner

Paperback | 4 February 2019

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Body Image Warrior offers an insider's perspective on the curve model industry, in this uplifting story about one woman's mission to change the way we think about beauty and body image forever.

Part memoir and part positive body image manifesto, this is an insider's perspective on the industry and how the images the world gets to see are only part of the story. The modelling and advertising industries persistently tell women they're fat, ugly and abnormal if they conform to anything other than a western ideal of beauty.

About the Author

Chelsea was born into the Australian entertainment industry, daughter of one of the country's most famous media couples, and grew up with the painful reality of her family life hidden behind a facade of gloss. She was expected to follow effortlessly in her parents' beautiful shadows, but her natural body shape led to teenage rebellion. Instead, Chelsea decided on a career as a modelling agent and, shocked at what she witnessed, became determined to change the industry from within. She has fought on through illness, broken relationships, the collapse of businesses and exclusion by powerful industry forces.

Founding BELLA Models in 2002, an agency focused on health and changing the perception of size and beauty, Chelsea has worked passionately within the media and modelling industry for many years to redefine the boundaries of fashion model sizes. BELLA is now known all over the world, and her models have appeared on 'World First' covers and in the fashion editorials of Sports Illustrated, Vogue, ELLE, Cosmopolitan and marie claire. Bella Management now represents young actors, fitness and advertising entities.
Industry Reviews
"""Chelsea Bonner is an absolute powerhouse, holding the advertising and modelling industries - as well as the mainstream media - to account for their portrayal of women and what constitutes a healthy, beautiful body."" - Mia Freedman"

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