Caroline Overington author of Matilda is Missing, I Came To Say Goodbye and Ghost Child reveals… The 5 best novels I read this year are… The Spare Room by Helen Garner Blurb: Helen lovingly prepares her spare room for her friend Nicola. She is coming to visit for three weeks, to receive treatment she believes will cure her cancer. From the moment Nicola staggers off the plane, gaunt and hoarse ... Read more
Search results for tag: Caroline Overington
My personal picks for 2011: Novels you can give as gifts with confidence
This year I read more novels by living, breathing writers than by stone cold dead writers. This is a first for me. However, if the truth be told, many of the contemporary novels I started were left unfinished. It’s partly due to the nature of the job. Publishers throw box loads of fiction at us to review and I can’t read them all. And, it is partly due to the state of modern fiction... Read more
Matilda is Missing by Caroline Overington: a review by John Purcell
I read Matilda is Missing in a few days. I was hooked within pages and found myself reading well into the night. I would pick it up in between times, too, snatching bite sized portions of the story while I was rushing to get ready in the morning – while the kettle boiled, before the toaster popped and while the kids printed off last night’s homework. What surprised me most about my reading of M... Read more
Get Reading with Booktopia
At Booktopia, we have made Get Reading even better. We are giving away the entire collection of 50 books to one lucky person who buys from the Get Reading 50 between now and the end of September. How good is that? 50 books you get to keep Read more
Matilda is Missing by Caroline Overington is out in October
Last year Toni Whitmont, editor-in-chief of the Booktopia BUZZ chose Caroline Overington’s I Came to Say Goodbye for her inaugural BUZZ CLUB pick. Choosing a book club’s first book is difficult. Choosing a book for a club made up of 25,000 picky readers must have been terrifying. But Toni knows her stuff and I don’t think she could have chosen a better book than I Came to Say ... Read more