Quiz: Bestsellers of 2018 … test your book knowledge!

by |August 13, 2018

It’s time to test your book knowledge with our quiz on the bestsellers of 2018!

How much do you know about the biggest and bestselling books of the year so far? Have you been paying attention to the book world? Do you like to stay up to date with the current trends and popular titles? Are you tapped in to the latest book news and plugged in to the bestseller lists?

Are you are a Reading Rebel, a Book-worm, a Book-lover or a bona fide Book Expert?

Take the quiz and find out!

QUIZ: How much do you know about the biggest and bestselling books of 2018?

Test your book knowledge:

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About the Contributor

While still in his twenties, John Purcell opened a second-hand bookshop in Mosman, Sydney, in which he sat for ten years reading, ranting and writing. Since then he has written, under a pseudonym, a series of very successful novels, interviewed hundreds of writers about their work, appeared at writers’ festivals, on TV (most bizarrely in comedian Luke McGregor’s documentary Luke Warm Sex) and has been featured in prominent newspapers and magazines. ​Now, as the Director of Books at booktopia.com.au, Australia’s largest online bookseller, he supports Australian writing in all its forms. He lives in Sydney with his wife, two children, three dogs, five cats, unnumbered gold fish and his overlarge book collection. His novel, The Girl on the Page, was published by HarperCollins Australia in October, 2018.

Follow John: Twitter Website


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