Before You Plan Your Wedding . . . Plan Your Marriage - Greg Smalley

Before You Plan Your Wedding . . . Plan Your Marriage

By: Greg Smalley, Erin Smalley, Steve Halliday

eBook | 13 February 2024

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Building a Marriage That Will Last a Lifetime

Authors Greg and Erin Smalley open their hearts and share their lives in Before You Plan Your Wedding...Plan Your Marriage so that you can know not only how to build a marriage that will last, but also how to have the kind of marriage where you and your spouse feel safe and honored and valued. When you feel safe, your heart will be open -- and open hearts make for fulfilling, powerful relationships.

Find out about the "fear dance" and how to stop dancing it. Discover the two biggest issues that threaten every marriage and how to stop them before they start. Learn what's more important than finding your soul mate and the significance of happiness in your union.

As wonderful as a wedding is, it lasts only for a brief time -- yet marriage is meant to last a lifetime. This important book will show you how to plan your marriage before you plan your wedding.
Industry Reviews
"Don't plan your wedding until you've read this book! Greg and Erin Smalley have a message every engaged couple needs to hear."