Balance Like a Pirate : Going beyond Work-Life Balance to Ignite Passion and Thrive as an Educator - Jessica Cabeen

Balance Like a Pirate

Going beyond Work-Life Balance to Ignite Passion and Thrive as an Educator

By: Jessica Cabeen, Jessica Johnson, Sarah Johnson

Paperback | 10 July 2018

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Product Description

"I just can't get it all done."

"I'm crazy busy."

"I never have time to enjoy life."

If you relate to those sentiments, you know that in today's 24/7, always-on culture, life feels busier than ever before. That hectic pace combined with the constant demands that come with being an educator create the perfect conditions for burnout. But life doesn't have to be that way.

Balance Like a Pirate, a Lead Like a PIRATE Guide, was written by educators for educators with a focus on helping you create a lifestyle that allows you to break free from "shoulds" and "have tos." Educational leaders Jessica Cabeen, Jessica Johnson, and Sarah Johnson equip you with practical strategies and tools to thrive in every area of life.

Balance is a myth, but living with purpose, passion, and priorities is within your reach.

"If you have any desire to make an impact in your role as an educator and to do so in a way that is sustainable, you owe it to yourself to read Balance Like a Pirate."

--Adam L. Saenz, PhD, DMin, psychologist and author of The Power of a Teacher

"In Balance Like a Pirate, authors Jessica Cabeen, Jessica Johnson, and Sarah Johnson honor our diverse roles . . . . Pause, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to ease into this book to refresh your mind and soul so you can bring your best to every role."

--Jimmy Casas, educator, speaker, and author of Culturize

"Jessica Cabeen, Jessica Johnson, and Sarah Johnson give phenomenal insight to navigating the busy demands of the life of an educator . . . . I highly recommend this book and know I will reference it often in the years ahead."

--Beth Houf, principal and coauthor of Lead Like a PIRATE

"Balance Like a Pirate is one of the most refreshing books I've read in a long time."

--Adam Welcome, educator, author, speaker, and marathoner

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