Anything To Have You : Harlequin Teen - Paige Harbison

Anything To Have You

Harlequin Teen

By: Paige Harbison

Paperback | 1 February 2014

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Nothing should come between best friends…

Natalie and Brooke have had each other’s backs forever. Natalie is the quiet one, college-bound and happy to stay home and watch old movies. Brooke is the movie — the life of every party, the girl everyone wants to be.

Then it happens — one crazy night that Natalie can’t remember and Brooke’s boyfriend, Aiden, can’t forget. Suddenly, there’s a question mark in Natalie and Brooke’s friendship that tests everything they thought they knew about each other. Something that has both girls discovering what true friendship really means.

About the Author

Paige Harbison is twenty years old, and a sophomore in college majoring in Studio Art. She lives with her golden retriever Rigby, and is the daughter of New York Times Bestselling Author Beth Harbison.

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