Animal Babies : Find Out About ... - Martin Jenkins

Animal Babies

By: Martin Jenkins, Jane McGuinness (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 3 March 2021

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A colourful and gentle introduction to the concept of animal babies for young children.

All animals have babies, but not all babies are the same! From big babies to little babies, babies that look like their parents to ones that don't, this beautiful picture book is a perfect introduction to different kinds of animal babies, from the award-winning author Martin Jenkins and illustrated by up-and-coming talent Jane McGuinness.

About the Author

Martin Jenkins is a conservation biologist and author of many groundbreaking non-fiction books. He worked for ten years for World Conservation Monitoring Centre, writing about a range of conservation issues, and since 1990 he has worked freelance for organizations such as WWF and a number of UN bodies concerned with conservation and the environment.

Martin’s jobs have varied greatly: “I’ve been an orchid-sleuth in Germany, a timber detective in Kenya and an investigator of the chameleon trade in Madagascar.” Martin’s children’s books include Emperor’s Egg, winner of the Times Junior Information Book of the Year Award and Fly Traps! Plants that Bite Back, which was shortlisted for the same award. Martin lives in Cambridge.

About the Illustrator

Jane McGuinness studied Illustration at Maidstone for her BA before completing an MA in Children’s Book Illustration at the Cambridge School of Art. She enjoys experimenting with styles and materials; her most recent work has involved a mixture of ink and brushwork, followed by careful digital tinkering.

In early 2016 Jane was awarded the Sebastian Walker Prize for Illustration. Her first picture book is Say Hi to Hedgehogs. She lives in Birmingham. Follow Jane on Twitter under the handle @janelikesyou, or visit her at her website:

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