Air Quality : Science, Impacts, and Management - Sokhi

Air Quality

Science, Impacts, and Management

By: Sokhi

Paperback | 29 November 2024 | Edition Number 1

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Air Quality: Science, Impacts, and Management provides a thorough treatment of the fundamental science of air quality, its interactions, its impacts on health and the environment and management strategies for reducing air pollution in cities, regionally and globally. It begins with fundamentals of the atmosphere and its relevance for air quality before moving logically to sources and emissions, chemical transformation, dynamics, prediction, observations and analysis methods. The importance of regional air pollution and interactions with climate demonstrate the multiscale nature of air quality. The book concludes by examining the impacts on ecosystems and health, reviewing the strategies to manage air pollution and highlighting real-world challenges and possible solutions to improve air quality in global cities. The chapters, written by Ranjeet Sokhi with the collaboration of international experts in the field, are designed to be read sequentially or independently for focused learning in this complex and interdisciplinary field. Air Quality: Science, Impacts, and Management is an excellent resource for students, researchers and professionals in the field of Air Quality and related sciences.

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