Adult Swear Word Coloring Book : F*ck You & Other Irreverent Notes to Annoying People : 40 Sweary Rude Curse Word Coloring Pages to Calm You the F*ck Down - Swear Words Coloring Books

Adult Swear Word Coloring Book

F*ck You & Other Irreverent Notes to Annoying People : 40 Sweary Rude Curse Word Coloring Pages to Calm You the F*ck Down

By: Swear Words Coloring Books

Paperback | 23 April 2016

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Do you ever feel like you need to curse in order to deal with everyday bull and the annoying people and stresses in your life? If so then this Adult Swear Word Coloring Book will make you relax and laugh out loud at the same time as you color the irreverent notes that you can then send to the annoying people in your life. There are 40 pages to color in this large 8.5" wide x 11" height book. Printed on good quality paper, you can color the pages, carefully remove and frame them to give them to the intended recipients as gifts.

With loads of curse words to color you can get real therapy from these pages. It is important to remember that this adult swear word coloring book is for grown ups so no kids allowed (it's too rude and sweary). Take a look inside to see the excellent quality of the designs. Designed for all skill levels so there is something in here for everyone. Color away and forget your worries. So what are you waiting for? Order your adult swear word coloring book today and say F**k you to all the annoying things and people in your life.

Tags: adult coloring books, swear word coloring book, swear word adult coloring book, sweary coloring book, adult swear word coloring book, adult coloring books best sellers, coloring books for adults relaxation, artists illustrators, mandalas, stress relieving patterns, coloring pages for adults, meditation, mindfulness meditation, nature mandalas coloring books for grownups, anti-stress management, Sweary Words coloring book, swear coloring book, cursing coloring book, sweary words coloring book, the sweary coloring book, sweary coloring book, swearing coloring book, swear word coloring book

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